
I was wondering if anyone could help with a problem (or should that be
"challenge"?) I'm having using Sort in Lucene over a large number of records
in multi-threaded server program on a continually updated index.

I am using lucene-1.4-rc3.

Question in more general terms:- Is it possible to write a multithreaded
search program which uses a Sort object that is updated at regular intervals
(e.g. every 5 minutes, taking 5 seconds to regenerate) while the searching
threads continue to do their sorted searching without any 5 seconds

Question in quick specific format: Can I generate a new updated Sort object
in a separate Thread of my search server program while the original Sort
object continues to be used in the other Threads of the program and then
switch the searching Threads to the new Sort object?

More details: We are using Lucene to index about one million news articles
and the index size is about 3Gb and needs to be continually updated with new
news records.  I have written a search server which performs sorted searches
on the index.  The "challenge" is that the Sort object does not update in
memory as the index is updated on disk and so has to be regenerated.  This
takes about 5 seconds and so cannot be done for every single search.  I
thought I would be able to regenerate the Sort and Searcher objects in a
separate Thread and then pass them to the searcher Threads for searching,
but have found that there seems to be some kind of memory locking that stops
this from being possible.

I have written a simple test program (attached, with output) that
demonstrates this problem by running a sorted search in one or two threads.
If you run it with one thread it runs fine, with the searches that
regenerate the Sort object taking about 5 seconds and the searches
themselves taking only 0.25 seconds.  But if you run it with two threads
then every search takes about 10 seconds, which implies that the Sort object
is being regenerated for every single search.  I am guessing that this is
because Lucene has been written in a Thread safe way and so to be safe the
Sort object is being regenerated every time?

If it turns out that what I am trying to do is not possible then I will
probably just restart the search server program every 5 minutes and load
balance the searches across a number of servers, but that seems a bit messy
compared to regenerating it in memory in a continually running program?
Thanks in advance, and don't worry - its not urgent and if I don't get the
answer I think it should be OK(ish) doing it the messy restarting server




import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.FilterIndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field;

import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.SimpleAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Searcher;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Sort;
import org.apache.lucene.search.SortField;
import org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Query;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Hits;
import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser;

import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

// This program tests running two separate threads each running searches and
then refreshing the Sort object
// every so often.  This is needed in our search server since it runs
continuously in multiple threads and
// never dies and so as the lucene index is updated the Sort and Searcher
objects in each thread have to be updated.
// I find with this program that when two threads are running the Sort
object seems to be regererated every time
// which causes each search to take about 10 seconds.  With only one thread
the regeneration of the Sort object takes
// about 5 seconds and then each search only takes 200 milliseconds or so.
// cd /home1/moreover/lucene/test_programs/; javac
testDoTwoSeparateThreadsWithSorts.java; java -ms100m -mx200m
/home1/moreover/lucene_indexes/testKeepSortInMemoryIndex/ news
// cd /home1/moreover/lucene/test_programs/; javac
testDoTwoSeparateThreadsWithSorts.java; java -ms100m -mx200m
/home1/moreover/lucene_indexes/testKeepSortInMemoryIndex/ news

class testDoTwoSeparateThreadsWithSorts {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

 try {
     // initialise variables
     String indexDirectory = args[0];
     String query = args[1];
     String runSecondThread = args[2];

     System.out.println(": Starting first thread to do searches then
     doSearchesThenSort doSearchesThenSort = new
doSearchesThenSort(indexDirectory, query);
     java.util.Date threadCreationDate1 = new java.util.Date();
     Thread doSearchesThenSortThread = new Thread(doSearchesThenSort,

      System.out.println(": Starting second thread to do searches then
      doSearchesThenSort doSearchesThenSort2 = new
doSearchesThenSort(indexDirectory, query);
      java.util.Date threadCreationDate2 = new java.util.Date();
      Thread doSearchesThenSortThread2 = new Thread(doSearchesThenSort2,
      System.out.println(": Not starting second thread.");

 } catch (Exception e) {
     System.out.println("Caught Exception : "+e.getMessage());

class doSearchesThenSort implements Runnable{

    Thread myThread;
    String indexDirectory;
    String query;

    // Constructor
    public doSearchesThenSort(String indexDirectory, String query) throws
 this.myThread = Thread.currentThread();
 this.indexDirectory = indexDirectory;
 this.query = query;

    public void run()
  String myThreadId = myThread.toString();
  Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexDirectory);
  Sort sort = new Sort();
  for(int j=0;j<500;j++)
   if(j%10 == 0)
    System.out.println("Creating new sort and searcher objects so sort is
    searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexDirectory);
    sort = new Sort();
   Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();
   Query luceneQuery = QueryParser.parse(query, "fulltext_index", analyzer);
   System.out.println("Doing normal search for: " +
   long startOfQuery = System.currentTimeMillis();
   Hits hits = searcher.search(luceneQuery, sort);
   System.out.println(myThreadId + " : " + j + ": Normal search took:
"+(System.currentTimeMillis()-startOfQuery)+" milliseconds and matched " +
hits.length() + " documents");

 catch (Exception e) {
     System.out.println(" caught a " + e.getClass() +
          "\n with message: " + e.getMessage());


[EMAIL PROTECTED] test_programs]$ cd
/home1/moreover/lucene/test_programs/; javac
testDoTwoSeparateThreadsWithSorts.java; java -ms100m -mx200m
/home1/moreover/lucene_indexes/testKeepSortInMemoryIndex/ news
: Starting first thread to do searches then sort...
: Not starting second thread.
Creating new sort and searcher objects so sort is regenerated.
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 0: Normal search took: 5246 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 1: Normal search took: 185 milliseconds and matched 712356
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 2: Normal search took: 184 milliseconds and matched 712356
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 3: Normal search took: 185 milliseconds and matched 712356
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 4: Normal search took: 184 milliseconds and matched 712356
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 5: Normal search took: 186 milliseconds and matched 712356
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 6: Normal search took: 183 milliseconds and matched 712356
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 7: Normal search took: 183 milliseconds and matched 712356
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 8: Normal search took: 182 milliseconds and matched 712356
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 9: Normal search took: 264 milliseconds and matched 712356
Creating new sort and searcher objects so sort is regenerated.
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 10: Normal search took: 5303 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 11: Normal search took: 192 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 12: Normal search took: 196 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 13: Normal search took: 192 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 14: Normal search took: 194 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 15: Normal search took: 183 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 16: Normal search took: 176 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 17: Normal search took: 175 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 18: Normal search took: 187 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 19: Normal search took: 176 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Creating new sort and searcher objects so sort is regenerated.
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 20: Normal search took: 5831 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 21: Normal search took: 329 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 22: Normal search took: 382 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 23: Normal search took: 320 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 24: Normal search took: 305 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
.....etc. etc.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] test_programs]$ cd
/home1/moreover/lucene/test_programs/; javac
testDoTwoSeparateThreadsWithSorts.java; java -ms100m -mx200m
/home1/moreover/lucene_indexes/testKeepSortInMemoryIndex/ news
: Starting first thread to do searches then sort...
: Starting second thread to do searches then sort...
Creating new sort and searcher objects so sort is regenerated.
Creating new sort and searcher objects so sort is regenerated.
Doing normal search for: news
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 0: Normal search took: 10799 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Thread[main,5,] : 0: Normal search took: 10791 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 1: Normal search took: 10346 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Thread[main,5,] : 1: Normal search took: 10210 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 2: Normal search took: 10244 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Thread[main,5,] : 2: Normal search took: 10076 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 3: Normal search took: 10339 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Thread[main,5,] : 3: Normal search took: 10138 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 4: Normal search took: 10116 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Thread[main,5,] : 4: Normal search took: 10080 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 5: Normal search took: 10273 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Thread[main,5,] : 5: Normal search took: 10171 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 6: Normal search took: 10208 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Thread[main,5,] : 6: Normal search took: 10027 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 7: Normal search took: 10431 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Thread[main,5,] : 7: Normal search took: 10335 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 8: Normal search took: 10091 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Thread[main,5,] : 8: Normal search took: 9968 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 9: Normal search took: 9950 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Thread[main,5,] : 9: Normal search took: 9891 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Creating new sort and searcher objects so sort is regenerated.
Doing normal search for: news
Creating new sort and searcher objects so sort is regenerated.
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 10: Normal search took: 9635 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Thread[main,5,] : 10: Normal search took: 10712 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 11: Normal search took: 172 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 11: Normal search took: 15506 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Thread[main,5,] : 12: Normal search took: 15772 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 12: Normal search took: 14678 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 13: Normal search took: 14799 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 13: Normal search took: 25466 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Thread[main,5,] : 14: Normal search took: 25030 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 15: Normal search took: 9865 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Thread[main,5,] : 14: Normal search took: 10219 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 16: Normal search took: 348 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 15: Normal search took: 9126 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 17: Normal search took: 10071 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 16: Normal search took: 10214 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
Doing normal search for: news
Thread[main,5,] : 18: Normal search took: 9106 milliseconds and matched
712356 documents
.....etc. etc.

· Stephen Halsey
Senior Systems Engineer
· Moreover Technologies
12 Greenhills Rents, Farringdon, London EC1M 6BN, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)20 7253 5003
Fax:     +44 (0)20 7336 0249

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