From: "Armbrust, Daniel C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Right got back to work with newly created index to try these ideas,

So, are you creating the indexes from inside the tomcat runtime, or are you creating them on the command line (which would be in a different runtime than tomcat)?

I'm creating them on the command line using a variation on the standard shown in the demo (has some additional optimisation input that is set to default until I can fix this bug).

What happens to tomcat? Does it hang - still running but not responsive? Or does it crash?
If it hangs, maybe you are running out of memory. By default, Tomcat's limit is set pretty low...

It definately hangs when shutdown you can't access it, when re-started it just sits there trying to access port 8080

There is no reason at all you should have to reboot... If you stop and start tomcat, (make sure it >actually stopped - sometimes it requires a kill -9 when it really gets hung) it should start working >again. Depending on your setup of Tomcat + apache, you may have to restart apache as well to >get them linked to each other again...

Good news this did work, however I never see tomcat in top or even using ps -A | grep tomcat, the only way I've found tomcat is using ps -auwx | grep tomcat. The output is

*after tomcat run*
root 2266 0.0 3.8 243740 4860 pts/0 S Oct26 0:36 /opt/jdk1.4/bin/java -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/opt/tomcat/common/endorsed -classpath /opt/jdk1.4/lib/tools.jar:/opt/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/tomcat/bin/commons-logging-api.jar -Dcatalina.base=/opt/tomcat -Dcatalina.home=/opt/tomcat
root 16050 0.0 0.4 3576 620 pts/0 S 08:41 0:00 grep tomcat

I did however find two java proccesses running so I duitifully used kill -9 on both pid's, hey-presto when I restarted Tomcat it ran perfectly. So while I can work around this.... I think, I guess now the question becomes, does anyone have any advice as to what could be causing this? Bearing in mind I can still run java proccesses (even create new indexes) on the same machine so it is just Tomcat thats affected.

Meanwhile, I will try as Dan suggested to raise the default memory of Tomcat significantly and run another index (it seems a likely culprit).

Thanks for all the help thus far, its more than appreciated regards,


----Original Message-----
From: James Tyrrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 10:49 AM
Subject: RE: Indexing process causes Tomcat to stop working

      D'oh forgot to mention that mildly important info. Rather than
re-index I am just creating a new index each time, this makes things easier
to roll-back etc (which is what my boss wants). the command line is
something like <java com.lucene.IndexHTML -create -index indexstore/ ..> I
have wondered about whether sessions could be a problem, but I don't think
so, otherwise wouldn't a restart of Tomcat be sufficient rather than a
reboot? I even tried the killall command on java & tomcat then started
everything again to no avail.



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