I've made a few passive mentions of my Lucene <http://jakarta.apache.org/lucene> Desktop prototype here on PeerFear in the last few days and I'm amazed how much feedback I've had. People really want to start work on an Open Source desktop search based on Lucene.




Use Rojo (RSS/Atom aggregator). Visit http://rojo.com. Ask me for an invite! Also see irc.freenode.net #rojo if you want to chat.

Rojo is Hiring! - http://www.rojonetworks.com/JobsAtRojo.html

If you're interested in RSS, Weblogs, Social Networking, etc... then you should work for Rojo! If you recommend someone and we hire them you'll get a free iPod!
Kevin A. Burton, Location - San Francisco, CA
AIM/YIM - sfburtonator, Web - http://peerfear.org/
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