
You should double-check with CLucene community, but from my research
for Lucene in Action CLucene's index is not compatible with that of
Lucene 1.4, so you will not be able to use the same index with both
Lucene and CLucene.


--- Chandrashekhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have query regarding index file portability of lucene 1.4 and
> clucene 0.8.12.
> I have created index file in Java  - lucene 1.4  and now want to
> search some term in the same index file by using clucene.
> I am not getting results if i do that. 
> So just wanted to make sure, does it support such kind of
> interportability?
> With Regards,
> Chandrashekhar V Deshmukh
> Sr. System Analyst
> Cybage Software Pvt. Ltd. (a CMM Level 3 company)
> Phone(O) : 91-20-4041700, 91-20-4044700 Ext: 804
> Cell : 91-9822749239
> Fax : 91-20-4041701 , 4041702
> www.cybage.com

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