Is there a way to use Lucene stemming and stop word removal without using the 
rest of the tool?   I am downloading the code now, but I imagine the answer 
might be deeply burried.  I would like to be able to send in a phrase and get 
back a collection of keywords if possible.

I am thinking of using an intermediary solution before moving fully to Lucene.  
I don't have time to spend a month making a carefully tested, administratable 
Lucene solution for my site yet, but I intend to do so over time.  Funny thing 
is the Lucene code likely would only take up a couple hundred of lines, but 
integration and administration would take me much more time.

In the meantime, I am thinking I could use perhaps Lucene steming and parsing 
of words, then stick each search word along with the associated primary key in 
an indexed MySql table.   Each record I would need to do this to is small with 
maybe only average 15 userful words.   I would be able to have an in-database 
solution though ranking, etc would not exist.   This is better then the exact 
word searching i have currently which is really bad.

By the way, MySql 4.1.1 has some Lucene type handling, but it too does not have 
stemming and I am sure it is very slow compaired to Lucene.   Cpanel is still 
stuck on MySql 4.0.* so many people would not have access to even this basic 
ability in production systems for some time yet.


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