> Hi,
> (First of all : what is the plurial of index in english ; indexes or indices
> ?)
> I want to search into several indexes (indices ?).
> For that, I parse a new query using QueryParser or MultiFieldQueryParser.
> Then I search my indexes using the MultiSearcher class.
> Ok, but the problem comes when different analyzer are used for each index.
> QueryParser requires an analyzer to parse the query but a query parsed with
> an analyzer is not suitable for searching into an index that uses another
> analyzer.
> Does anyone know a trick to cope this problem.
> Eventually I could run a different query on each index to obtain several Hits
> objects.
> Then I could write some collector that collects Hits in the order of highest
> scores.
> I wonder if this could work and if it would be as efficient as the
> MultiSearcher . In this situation does it make sense to compare the scores
> of two differents Hits.