I am able to delete now the Index using the following



IndexReader reader = IndexReader.open( indexDir );

uidIter = reader.terms(new Term("id", ""));

while (uidIter.term() != null && uidIter.term().field() == "id") {






where "id"  is the keyword field. But here also all the documents are
deleted. How can I modify my code and delete particular document with given

Iam creating the index in the following way

Document doc = new Document();







----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lucene Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 1:06 PM
Subject: RE: modifying existing index

A good way to do this is to add a keyword field with whatever unique id
you have for the document.  Then you can delete the term containing a
unique id to delete the document from the index (look at
IndexReader.delete(Term)).  You can look at the demo class IndexHTML to
see how it does incremental indexing for an example.


  > -----Original Message-----> From: Santosh
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 11:34
PM> To: Lucene Users List> Subject: Re: modifying existing index> > I have
gon through IndexReader , I got method :     delete(int> docNum)   ,> but
from where I will get document number? Is  this predifined? or
we> have> to give a number prior  to indexing?> ----- Original
Message -----> From: "Luke Francl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> To: "Lucene
Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Sent: Wednesday, November 24,
2004 1:26 AM> Subject: Re: modifying existing index> > > > On Tue,
2004-11-23 at 13:59, Santosh wrote:> > > I am using lucene for indexing,
when I am creating Index the> docuemnts> are added. but when I want to
modify the single existing document
and> reIndex again, it is taking as new document and adding one more
time, so> that I am getting same document twice in the results.> > > To
overcome this I am deleting existing Index and again
recreating> whole> Index. but is it possibe to index  the modified document
again and> overwrite> existing document without deleting and recreation. can
I do this? If
so> how?> >> > You do not need to recreate the whole index. Just mark the
document as> > deleted using the IndexReader and then add it again with the>
> IndexWriter. Remember to close your IndexReader and IndexWriter
after> > doing this.> >> > The deleted document will be removed the next
time you optimize
your> > index.> >> > Luke Francl> >> >> >
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