One way to restrict results is by using a Filter.
but a filter is applied after the whole search is performed, isn't it?
Incorrect. A filter is applied *before* the search truly occurs - in other words it reduces the search space.
Here is a code example using an "owner" field to filter on:
public class SecurityFilterTest extends TestCase { private RAMDirectory directory;
protected void setUp() throws Exception { directory = new RAMDirectory(); IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(directory, new WhitespaceAnalyzer(), true);
// Elwood Document document = new Document(); document.add(Field.Keyword("owner", "elwood")); document.add(Field.Text("keywords", "elwoods sensitive info")); writer.addDocument(document);
// Jake document = new Document(); document.add(Field.Keyword("owner", "jake")); document.add(Field.Text("keywords", "jakes sensitive info")); writer.addDocument(document);
writer.close(); }
public void testSecurityFilter() throws Exception { TermQuery query = new TermQuery(new Term("keywords", "info"));
IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(directory); Hits hits =; assertEquals("Both documents match", 2, hits.length());
QueryFilter jakeFilter = new QueryFilter( new TermQuery(new Term("owner", "jake")));
hits =, jakeFilter); assertEquals(1, hits.length()); assertEquals("elwood is safe", "jakes sensitive info", hits.doc(0).get("keywords")); }
If you index a field that can be used for filtering purposes, QueryFilter will do the trick nicely. One recommendation when using a filter though - be sure to keep the instance around over multiple searches. QueryFilter first does a TermQuery on the term provided to pre-screen the documents available to the Query passed to the search method. Since you're doing this on a per-user basis, my recommendation is to keep their filter, once created, around in their session (in a web application) or wherever appropriate in another type of environment.
The above code example is directly from Lucene in Action. I will make the complete source code distribution available early this coming week, as soon as Manning releases the electronic book edition. We have been told the e-book will be available from on Monday. Rest assured Otis or I will announce it as soon as it's officially there.
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