
Could you provide a concrete, and simple, example of what you're trying to achieve? It would help me understand what you're after.

Any Query implementation works fine as a clause within a BooleanQuery, there is nothing special to do for a PhrasePrefixQuery in this regard.


On Dec 6, 2004, at 6:34 AM, Mahendra wrote:


Presently i am working on a requirement in my application, to do the
search using lucene as follows,

Users enters phrase prefix query text. The query should be constructed
as follows,
- a PhrasePrefixQuery based on the user entered text,  for eg FieldA
- a termquery based on another field, for eg FieldB
- a boolean query is constructed based on the above two queries.

The search based on the boolean query, does not yield any results.
However, query based on PhrasePrefixQuery and TermQuery is returning
results. Can anyone suggest how
to use PhrasePrefixQuery as part of Booleanquery.


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