On Dec 7, 2004, at 12:55 AM, Chris Hostetter wrote:

: Hits hits = indexSearcher.search(searchQuery, filter) // here I want
: to pass multiple filter... (DateFilter,QueryFilter)

You can write a Filter that takes in multiple filters and ANDs them
together (or ORs them, it's not clear what you want)

Hits h = s.search(q,new AndFilter(df,qf));

(I'm planing on writting a generalized "BooleanFilter" class sometime
in the next few weeks)

Wait.... there already is a ChainedFilter in the Lucene Sandbox. Here's a test case I wrote for it for Lucene in Action (the test case is in the sandbox also):

  public void testAND() throws Exception {
    ChainedFilter chain = new ChainedFilter(
      new Filter[] {dateFilter, bobFilter}, ChainedFilter.AND);

    Hits hits = searcher.search(query, chain);
    assertEquals("AND matches just bob", MAX / 2, hits.length());
    assertEquals("bob", hits.doc(0).get("owner"));

(you'll need to see the setUp method to make sense of the asserts, though).

<http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/jakarta-lucene-sandbox/ contributions/miscellaneous/src/java/org/apache/lucene/misc/ ChainedFilter.java?view=markup>

The test cases are here:

<http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/jakarta-lucene-sandbox/ contributions/miscellaneous/src/test/org/apache/lucene/misc/ ChainedFilterTest.java?view=markup>

It's obviously a bit more complicated than a simple AND, though, but does that simple case as well.


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