Hi developers,

I am indexing HTML documents in lucene as:

H1:"text in H1 font"
H2:"text in H2 font"
H6:"text in H6 font"
content:"all the text"

The problem is that query of a type
is getting scored with the termFreq of xyz in the H1 field whereas I want
it be scored using the termFreq of xyz in the entire document (i.e.
content field)

Can you point me how to achieve this.

I took a look at Similarity class. It does have a tf() function but it is
actually passed a termFreq value.

Thanks a lot.

PS: I am using lucene for a class project where I am trying to utilize
font information of HTML documents. I am boosting the scores for matches
in H6 field over matches in H5 and so on.

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