Hello All, 

I am looking out to implement sorting in my lucene application. This is what my 
code look like. 

I am using StandardAnalyzer() analyzer. 

Query query = QueryParser.parse(keyword, "contents", analyzer); 

Sort sortCol = new Sort(new SortField("date"));

// date is one of the field I have indexed.

Hits hits = searcher.search(query, sortCol);

for (int start = 0; start < hits.length(); start ++) { 
Document doc = hits.doc(start); 

// get all the data required.

I get this error : 

no terms in field sdate - cannot determine sort type 

Can any let me know where I am wrong ? Also what is the default sorting in 
lucene ? 

Also can some one explain what exactly is the score ? Is it something to do 
with ranking ? Do somebody have a link to a good lucene tutorial ? 



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