Has any one used NekoHTML ? If so how do I use it. Is it a stand alone jar file that I include in my classpath and start using just like IndexHTML ?
Can some one share syntax and or code if it is supposed to be used programetically. I am looking at http://www.apache.org/~andyc/neko/doc/html/ for more information is that the correct place to look?


Erik Hatcher wrote:

Sure... clean up your HTML and it'll parse fine :) Perhaps use JTidy to clean up the HTML. Or switch to using a more forgiving parser like NekoHTML.


On Jan 4, 2005, at 3:59 PM, Hetan Shah wrote:

Hello All,

Does any one know how to handle the following parsing error?

thanks for pointers/code snippets.


While trying to parse a HTML file using IndexHTML I get

Parse Aborted: Encountered "\"" at line 8, column 1162.
Was expecting one of:
    <ArgName> ...
    "=" ...
    <TagEnd> ...

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