What is the best way to implement: searching while indexing. 
I have read the mailinglist for a while but haven`t got a good answer to
my question. 
It is not allowed to index, while searching. But I don`t understand why.
All the segments are immutable, so after I have created a Reader it
could use all the segments that are available at the moment. The reader
maintains references to those segments, and if the reader is not needed
anymore (or the writer says: I`m finished creating new indices... you
should can search through a newer set of segments) the reader could
delete all the old segments. The writer can create new segments based on
the immutable-old ones and based on the new documents. After it has
created a new set, it can signal the reader to use the newer segments.
So why is the above scenario not possible? Why are segments immutable?
And what is the best way to add documents to a (big index >20 gig)
without copying the index, and without blocking the search?

Met vriendelijke groet,

Peter Veentjer
Anchor Men Interactive Solutions - duidelijk in zakelijke

Praediniussingel 41
9711 AE Groningen

T: 050-3115222
F: 050-5891696
I : www.anchormen.nl <blocked::http://www.anchormen.nl/> 


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