Hi to all lucene developers,

The "read fields selectively" feature would be a very useful for me.
Do you plan to include it in the next lucene realeases?
I can patch lucene, but I will need to do it each time I upgrade my version,
and probably I would need to run the unit tests, and this is just duplicated effort....

I'm working on an application that uses lucene only to index information that we store in
the database and in external files. We perform the search with lucene to get the IDs of our
database records. The ID keyword field is the only one that we need to read from the index.
Each document may index a few txt, pdf, doc, html, ppt, or xls files, and some other database fields,
so .. the size of the lucene documents may be quite big.

Writing the ID as the first field in the index, and having the possibility to read only the ID from the index
will be a great performance improvement in our case (speed and memory usage).

Another frecquenty met situation is to have an index with an ALL field, in order to perform the search easily,
and a few another separate fields, needed to get information from the index and to apply special constraints
(i.e. for extended search functionality). Also in this case, the information from the ALL field won't be read, but
lucene will load it in the memory, and the memory usage will be at least twice bigger.

Thanks for understanding,


mark harwood wrote:

There is no API for this, but I recall somebody
talking about adding support for this a few months

See http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=lucene-dev&m=109485996612177&w=2

This implementation was working on a version of Lucene
before compression was introduced so things may have
changed a little.

Cheers, Mark

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