On Feb 1, 2005, at 10:01 AM, Verma Atul (extern) wrote:


I'm new to Lucene and want to know, whether Lucene has the capability of
displaying the search results based the Users Rights.

For Example:

There are suppose some resources, like :

Resource 1
Resource 2
Resource 3
Resource 4

And there are say 2 users with

User 1 having access to Resource 1, Resource 2 and Resource 4; and User
2 having access to Resource 1 and Resource 3

So when User 1 searches the database, then he should get results from
Resource 1, 2 and 4, but

When User 2 searches the databse, then he should get results from
Resource 1 and 3.

Lucene in Action has a SecurityFilterTest example (grab the source code distribution). You can see a glimpse of this here:


So yes, its possible to index a username or roles alongside each document and apply that criteria to any search a user makes such that a user only gets documents allowed. How complex this gets depends on how you need the permissions to work - the LIA example is rudimentary and simply associates an "owner" with each document and users are only allowed to see the documents they own.


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