But, I know "name" contains 2 documents, I also know "desc" contains one.
This may be a dumb question but why does Hits not contain pointers to 3
results (1 from name, 2 from desc)?

Your search is an OR search, which is why you get a union of search hits. Consider these documents (which I think you have in your index):

Document 1:
- name=mario
- desc=mario

Document 2:
- name=mario
- desc=foo

- Searching for "mario" in field "name" would return 2 hits.
- Searching for "mario" in field "desc" would return 1 hit.
- Searching for "mario" in both fields would return 2 hits (which is what you're seeing).

Maik Schreiber   *   http://www.blizzy.de

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