Owen Densmore wrote:
I'm building an index from a FileMaker database by dumping the data to a tab-separated file. Because the FileMaker output is encoded in MacRoman, and uses Mac line separators, I run a script across the tab file to clean it up:
tr '\r\v' '\n ' | iconv -f MAC -t UTF-8
This basically converts the Mac \r's to \n's, replaces FileMaker's vtabs (for inter-field CRs) with blanks, and runs a character converter to build utf-8 data for Java to use. Looks fine in jEdit and BBEdit, both of which understand UTF.

However, it matters how you have read in the files in your Java application. Did you use InputStreamReader with the default platform encoding (probably 8859-1), or did you specify UTF-8 explicitly?

BUT -- when I look at the indexes created in Lucene using Luke, I get unprintable letters! Writing programs to dump the terms (using Writer

By default Luke uses the standard platform-specific font "dialog". On Windows this font doesn't support Unicode glyphs, so you will see just blanks (or rectangles). In the upcoming release you will be able to select the display font.

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki
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