
I'm currently working on application using Lucene 1.3 , and have to improve
the current indexation/search methods with the 1.4.3 version.

I was thinking to use the FilteredQuery object to refine my chained queries
but, after some tests, performances are worst :(.

The chained queries were like :
- a first boolean query to retrieve a set of doc id matching some criterias
- a second query applying a fuzzy criteria to refine it more deeply.

My index contains like 7 millions of document at all , and first query
should retrieve, at maximum, like 50 000 documents.

I'm currently working with crossed indexes while doing searches , but i
want to remove the extra indexes and do all things with only one.

So, is it possible to use the FilteredQuery object or another one to chain
queries from the most restrictive to the most open one ?

Thx for your help



PS : sorry for all mistakes :o)

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