I recorded a "Meet Lucene" presentation at JavaLobby. It is a multimedia Flash video that shows slides with my voice recorded over them which spans just over 20 minutes (you can jump to specific slides). Check it out here:

http://www.javalobby.org/members-only/eps/meet-lucene/index.html? source=archives

It's tailored as a high-level overview, and a quick one at that. It'll certainly be too basic for most everyone on this list, but maybe your manager would enjoy it :)

It's awkward to record this type of thing and it sounds dry to me as I ended up having to script what I was going to say and read it rather than ad-lib like I would do in a face-to-face presentation. ah's and um's don't work well in an audio-only track.

I'd love to hear (perhaps best through the JavaLobby forum associated with the presentation) feedback on it.


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