Sorting by String uses up lots more RAM than a numeric sort. If you use a numeric (yet lexicographically orderable) date format (e.g. YYYYMMDD) you'll see better performance most likely.


On Feb 24, 2005, at 1:01 PM, Yura Smolsky wrote:

Hello, lucene-user.

I have index with many documents, more than 40 Mil.
Each document has DateField (It is time stamp of document)

I need the most recent results only. I use single instance of IndexSearcher.
When I perform sorted search on this index:
Sort sort = new Sort();
sort.setSort( new SortField[] { new SortField ("modified", SortField.STRING, true) } );
Hits hits ="good", "content",
StandardAnalyzer()), sort);

then search speed is not good.

Today I have tried search without "sort by modified", but with sort by
Relevance. Speed was much better!

I think that Sort by DateField is very slow. Maybe I do something
wrong about this kind of sorted search? Can you give me advices about


Yura Smolsky.

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