Hello. I'm using Lucene for an application and I want to boost the title of
my documents.
For that I use the setBoost method that is applied on the title field.
However when I look with luke(1.6) I don't see any boost on this field and
I do a search the score isn't change. What's wrong?
Here is the code where I set the boost factor.

public Document getDocument() throws TechnicalException {
        Document doc = new Document();
        log.trace(new TraceMessage("will  add title,resume,content,date to
the Lucene Document"));
        Field field = Field.UnStored("Content",content);
        doc.add(Field.Text("Summary", summary));
        field = Field.Text("Title", title);
        return doc;

Do I have to do something else to activate boosting?

Claude Libois
Technical associate - Unisys

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