Apologies Erik,
This must be one of those apostrophe in email address problems I always
get. Recently I removed the apostrophe from the email address I give out.
Our server recognizes both email addresses, but some of these mail lists
don't like the O'Connor clann!
Jonathan O'Connor
XCOM Dublin

Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
01/03/2005 12:16
Please respond to
"Lucene Users List" <lucene-user@jakarta.apache.org>

"Lucene Users List" <lucene-user@jakarta.apache.org>

Re: Questions about GermanAnalyzer/Stemmer [auf Viren geprueft]

I had to moderate both Jonathan and Jon's messages in to the list.
Please subscribe to the list and post to it with the address you've
subscribed.  I cannot always guarantee I'll catch moderation messages
and send them through in a timely fashion.


On Mar 1, 2005, at 6:18 AM, Jonathan O'Connor wrote:

> Jon,
> I too found some problems with the German analyser recently. Here's
> what
> may help:
> 1. You can try reading Joerg Caumanns' paper "A Fast and Simple
> Stemming
> Algorithm for German Words". This paper describes the algorithm
> implemented by GermanAnalyser.
> 2. I guess German nouns all capitalized, so maybe that's why. Although
> you
> would want to be indexing well written German and not emails or text
> messages!
> 3. The German Stemmer converts umlauts into some funny form (the code
> is a
> bit tricky, and I didn't spend any time looking at it), so maybe thats
> why
> you can't find umlauts properly. I think the main reason for this
> umlaut
> change is that many plurals are formed by umlauting: E.g. Haus, Haeuser
> (that ae is a umlaut).
> Finally, to really understand what's happening, get your hands on
> Luke. I
> just got it last week, and its brilliant. It shows you everything about
> your indexes. You can also feed text to an Analyser, and see what it
> makes
> of it. This will show you the real reason why your umlaut search is
> failing.
> Ciao,
> Jonathan O'Connor
> XCOM Dublin
> "Jon Humble" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 01/03/2005 09:35
> Please respond to
> "Lucene Users List" <lucene-user@jakarta.apache.org>
> To
> <lucene-user@jakarta.apache.org>
> cc
> Subject
> Questions about GermanAnalyzer/Stemmer [auf Viren geprueft]
> Hello,
> We?re using the GermanAnalyzer/Stemmer to index/search our (German)
> Website.
> I have a few questions:
> (1)     Why is the GermanAnalyzer case-sensitive? None of the other
> language indexers seem to be. What does this feature add?
> (2)     With the German Analyzer, wildcard searches containing extended
> German characters do not seem to work. So, a* is fine but anä* or ö*
> always find zero results.
> (3)     In a similar vein to (2), wildcard searches with escaped
> special
> characters fail to find results. So a search for co\-operative works
> but
> a search for co\-op* fails.
> I will be grateful for any light that can be shed on these problems.
> With Thanks,
> Jon.
> Jon Humble
> BSc (hons,)
> Software Engineer
> TecSphere Ltd
> Centre for Advanced Industry
> Coble Dene, Royal Quays
> Newcastle upon Tyne NE29 6DE
> United Kingdom
> Direct Dial: +44 (191) 270 31 06
> Fax: +44 (191) 270 31 09
> http://www.tecsphere.com
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