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The "LucyIncubatorProposal" page has been changed by MarvinHumphrey.
The comment on this change is: Add link to original template.  Flesh out 
"Relationships" section, add stubs for "Apache Brand", "Salaried Devs", 


  ## page was renamed from GraduationPlan
+ For reference, see the original template at 
  == Abstract ==
  A short descriptive summary of the project. A short paragraph, ideally one 
sentence in length.
@@ -114, +117 @@

  === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
+ All three initial committers associated with the project for several years 
across multiple jobs.
- A project dominated by salaried developers who are interested in the code 
only whilst they are employed to do so risks its long term health.
- Apache is about people, not corporations. We hope that developers continue to 
be involved with Apache no matter who their current employer happens to be.
- This is a right place to indicate the initial balance between salaried 
developers and volunteers. It's also good to talk about the level of commitment 
of the developers.
- Example (OpenJPA): Most of the developers are paid by their employer to 
contribute to this project, but given the anticipation from the Java community 
for the a JPA implementation and the committers' sense of ownership for the 
code, the project would continue without issue if no salaried developers 
contributed to the project.
- Example (River): It is expected that Jini development will occur on both 
salaried time and on volunteer time, after hours. While there is reliance on 
salaried developers (currently from Sun, but it's expected that other company's 
salaried developers will also be involved), the Jini Community is very active 
and things should balance out fairly quickly. In the meantime, Sun will support 
the project in the future by dedicating 'work time' to Jini, so that there is a 
smooth transition.
- Example (Wicket): None of the developers rely on Wicket for consulting work, 
though two - Martijn and Eelco - are writing Wicket In Action (publisher 
Manning) in their spare time. Most of the developers use Wicket for their day 
jobs, some for multiple projects, and will do so for a considerable while as 
their companies (specifically Topicus, Cemron and Teachscape) choose Wicket as 
their development framework of choice.
  === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
- Apache projects should be open to collaboration with other open source 
projects both within Apache and without. Candidates should be willing to reach 
outside their own little bubbles.
+ When Lucy was conceived, we envisioned that our eventual sub-communities 
(Perl, Ruby, etc) would approach using and extending the library in distinct 
ways, and that we would be able to harness the creative tension between the 
different cultures to drive innovation.  Lucy and Lucene have that kind of a 
relationship today, and multiple significant novelties have either 
cross-pollinated or arisen while discussing competing approaches.  (e.g. object 
conservation during indexing, per-segment search.)
+ Still, Lucy is a loose port and its core differs in fundamental ways from 
that of Lucene.  The biggest difference is that for Lucy, "the OS is our JVM":  
Lucene Searcher objects build up optimized data structures at search-time in 
process RAM, while Lucy writes its data structures to disk at index-time and 
reads them via memory-mapped IO at search-time.  This affords Lucy several 
advantages, such as fast process launch, low process RAM requirements, and OO 
design flexibility because Lucy's "cheap Searcher" objects are lightweight, 
thin wrappers around the system IO cache.
- This is a an opportunity to talk about existing links. It is also the right 
place to talk about potential future links and plans.
- Apache allows different projects to have competing or overlapping goals. 
However, this should mean friendly competition between codebases and cordial 
cooperation between communities.
- It is not always obvious whether a candidate is a direct competitor to an 
existing project, an indirect competitor (same problem space, different 
ecological niche) or are just peers with some overlap. In the case of indirect 
competition, it is important that the abstract describes accurately the niche. 
Direct competitors should expect to be asked to summarize architectural 
differences and similarities to existing projects.
- Example (OpenJPA): Open JPA will likely be used by Geronimo, requires some 
Apache products (regexp, commons collections, commons lang, commons pool), and 
supports Apache commons logging.
- Example (River) Currently the only tie to Apache projects is the starter 
kit's use of the Ant build tool. There are potential future ties (http server, 
database backend, etc)that will be explored.
  === A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
- Concerns have been raised in the past that some projects appear to have been 
proposed just to generate positive publicity for the proposers. This is the 
right place to convince everyone that is not the case.
+ Lucy's past sins:
- This is also the right place to build bridges with the community after past 
misdemeanors (for example, if any of those associated with the proposal have - 
in the past - sort to associate themselves with the Apache brand in factually 
incorrect ways) and promise good conduct for the future.
- Example (CeltiXfire): While we expect the Apache brand may help attract more 
contributors, our interests in starting this project is based on the factors 
mentioned in the Rationale section. However, we will be sensitive to 
inadvertent abuse of the Apache brand and will work with the Incubator PMC and 
the PRC to ensure the brand policies are respected.
+   * Failed to release early and often.
+   * Failed to build community.
+ Proposal is intended to address those deficiencies.
- Example (Wicket): The ASF has a strong brand, and that brand is in itself 
attractive. However, the developers of Wicket have been quite successful on 
their own and could continue on that path with no problems at all. We are 
interested in joining the ASF in order to increase our contacts and visibility 
in the open source world. Furthermore, we have been enthusiastic users of 
Apache from the earliest hour (remember JServ anyone?), and feel honored at 
getting the opportunity to join the club.
- Example (OpenJPA): We think that Open JPA is something that will benefit from 
wide collaboration, being able to build a community of developers and 
committers that outlive the founders, and that will be embraced by other Apache 
efforts, such as the Geronimo project.
  == Documentation ==
@@ -222, +207 @@

  == Affiliations ==
+ Marvin Humphrey is employed by Eventful, Inc and works primarily on this 
- Little bit of a controversial subject. Committers at Apache are individuals 
and work here on their own behalf. They are judged on their merits not their 
affiliations. However, in the spirit of full disclosure, it is useful for any 
current affiliations which may effect the perceived independence of the initial 
committers to be listed openly at the start.
- For example, those in salaried positions whose job is to work on the project 
should list their affiliation. Having this list helps to judge how much 
diversity exists in the initial list and so how much work there is to do.
- This is best done in a separate section away from the committers list.
- Only the affiliations of committers on the initial bootstrap list are 
relevant. These committers have not been added by the usual meritocratic 
process. It is strongly recommended that the once a project is bootstrapped, 
developers are judged by their contributions and not by their background. This 
list should not be maintained after the bootstrap has been completed.
  == Sponsors ==

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