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The "LucyIncubatorProposal" page has been changed by PeterKarman.


  Example (Tika): There are a number of projects at various stages of maturity 
that implement a subset of the proposed features in Tika. For many potential 
users the existing tools are already enough, which reduces the demand for a 
more generic toolkit. This can also be seen in the slow progress of this 
proposal over the past year. However, once the project gets started we can 
quickly reach the feature level of existing tools based on seed code from 
sources mentioned below. After that we believe to be able to quickly grow the 
developer and user communities based on the benefits of a generic toolkit over 
custom alternatives.
  === Inexperience with Open Source ===
- If the proposal is based on an existing open source project with a history of 
open development, then highlight this here.
- If the list of initial committers contains developers with strong open source 
backgrounds then highlight this here.
+ Varying degrees of open source experience:
+  * Marvin Humphrey had moderate experience with open source when Lucy 
started, and is now more seasoned. In retrospect, he wishes that Lucy had gone 
through incubation during its first inception.
+  * Peter Karman has contributed to several open source projects since 2001, 
including being a committer at (a search engine), (an ORM) and (web 
+  * Nathan Kurz --
-  * Varying degrees of open source experience.
-   * Marvin Humphrey had moderate experience with open source when Lucy 
started, and is now more seasoned. In retrospect, he wishes that Lucy had gone 
through incubation during its first inception.
-   * Peter Karman --
-   * Nathan Kurz --
- Inexperience with open source is one reason why closed projects choose to 
apply for incubation. Apache has developed over the years a store of experience 
in this area. Successfully opening up a closed project means an investment of 
energy by all involved. It requires a willingness to learn and to give back to 
the community. If the proposal is based around a closed project and comes with 
very little understand of the open source space, then acknowledge this and 
demonstrate a willingness to learn. Example (Cayenne): Cayenne was started as 
an open source project in 2001 and has remained so for 5 years.
- Example (Beehive): Many of the committers have experience working on open 
source projects. Five of them have experience as committers on other Apache 
- Example (Ivy): While distributed under an open source license, access to Ivy 
was initially limited with no public access to the issue tracking system or svn 
repository. While things have changed since then - the svn repository is 
publicly accessible, a JIRA instance has been setup since june 2005, many new 
features are first discussed on the forum or JIRA - experience with a true open 
source development model is currently limited. However, Maarten has already a 
good experience with true open development process, and bring his experience to 
the project.
- Example (River): The initial committers have varying degrees of experience 
with open source projects. All have been involved with source code that has 
been released under an open source license, but there is limited experience 
developing code with an open source development process. We do not, however, 
expect any difficulty in executing under normal meritocracy rules.
  === Homogenous Developers ===
  Healthy projects need a mix of developers. Open development requires a 
commitment to encouraging a diverse mixture. This includes the art of working 
as part of a geographically scattered group in a distributed environment.

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