Ko da praish , nostalgy  po win-a :))) 
Az si reshih problema s gnome-ppp , bqh zabravil za nego poneje sum  "zabil" 
nos v poslednoto  KDE-2.1.1 ( napravo ot  CVS-a oste toplo :))))  i 4ieto 
kppp  ne moja da se spravi dori kogato ppp-to e na modules, to ako ne e na 
modules ne moje po rojdenie :))) , dava vinagi NO DIALTONE , kakvito i opcii 
da my zadawam , nezavisimo dali pulse ili tone dial-vam , a po princip moito 
ATC moje i s dvete . Kppp ot  KDE-to  koeto si vurvi s Slack7.1 ( 1.3 mai 
beshe) , go pravi i s dvete otli4no .  
Da WvDial  se opitva da guess type of authentification , ama ne mi dava az da 
my go ukaja , ili pone az neznam kak , i kato nqma terminal se duni , prashta 
edin string ppp  - bogus auth sequence , mnogo grubo :(((. No nqma zna4enie 
de , gnome-ppp e OK , no  susto taka iznamerih i edno diald , puk i s chat  
ste se probwam . Neka da ima alternativni dialers , nema losho :)))

On Wednesday 21 March 2001 23:28, you wrote:
> Mi tova mnogo mi zaprili4va na M$ DialUp :)
> Zashto ne opitash naistina sys chat kato dialer?
> Shte imash pylen control.
> Problema iavno idva ot toia "heuristic" guess na tipa na auth-a.
> I ne e ot tova 4e dostav4ika ti niama "terminal" a po skoro
> zastoto ima bogus auth sequence.
> On Wed, 21 Mar 2001 11:46:52 +0200
>  Peter Georgiev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Àíãåë Âúëêîâ wrote:
> > > I az sym na mnenie 4e KDE2.1.1 niama ;)
> > > Mislia 4e pap/chap se pravi to4no ot pppd
> > > a ne ot programki kato wvdial/chat
> > > Vaobshte sys kakvo syobshtenie umira pppd?
> > > za razlika ot plain passwd auth, pri pap/chap triabva da podadesh
> > > oshte edna opcia na pppd "name" po tozi name toi namira
> > > vyv pap-secrets/chap-secrets to4no koia dvoika username/passwd
> > > da prati.
> > > Edinstwenoto koeto triabva da napravish za da sraboti cialoto
> >
> > neshto
> >
> > > e da nakarash wvdial da ne 4aka "login:" , "password:"
> > > Za tova ne moga da ti podskaja nishto.Ne sam polzval nikoga wvdial.
> > > Sys chat prosto v chat scripta ( koito e poredica ot EXPECT,SEND
> >
> > dvoiki)
> >
> > > ti triabva kraia na chat scripta da ti e v momenta v koito polu4ish
> > > "CONNECT"
> > > sled koeto pppd poema kontrola i si pravi pap/chap auth.
> > > Opitai se da startirash pppd s po visok debug level i vij to4ko
> >
> > kakvo
> >
> > > pishe v log-a ( Zashto umira ). No tova ako si set-nal opciata name
> >
> > Problema e tochno tuk. Eto niakoi izvadki ot man page na wvdial:
> >
> > --quote--
> > wvdial is an intelligent PPP dialer, which means that it dials a
> > modem and
> > starts PPP in order to connect to the Internet. It is something like
> > the
> > chat(8) program, except that it uses heuristics to guess how to dial
> > and log
> > into your server rather than forcing you to write a login script.
> >
> > When wvdial starts, it first loads its configuration from
> > /etc/wvdial.conf,
> > which contains basic information about the modem port, speed, and
> > init
> > string, along with information about your Internet Service Provider
> > (ISP),
> > such as the phone number, your username, and your password.
> >
> > Then it initializes your modem and dials the server and waits for a
> > connection (a CONNECT string from the modem). It understands and
> > responds to
> > typical connection problems (like BUSY and NO DIALTONE).
> >
> > Any time after connecting, wvdial will start PPP if it sees a PPP
> > sequence
> > from the server. Otherwise, it tries to convince the server to start
> > PPP by
> > doing the following:
> >
> > - responding to any login/password prompts it sees;
> > - interpreting «choose one of the following"-style menus;
> > -
> > eventually, sending the word «ppp» (a common terminal server
> > command).
> >
> > If all of this fails, wvdial just runs pppd(8) and hopes for the
> > best.
> > --unquote--
> > ***
> > --quote--
> > /etc/wvdial.conf
> >  Configuration file which contains modem, dialing, and login
> > information.
> >
> > /dev/ttyS*
> >  Serial port devices.
> >
> > /etc/ppp/peers/wvdial
> >  Required for correct authentication in pppd version 2.3.0 or newer.
> >
> > /etc/ppp/{pap,chap}-secrets
> >  Contains a list of usernames and passwords used by pppd for
> > authentication.
> >  wvdial maintains this list automatically.
> > --unquote--
> >
> > Obarni vnimanie i na sekciata Bugs v man page na wvdial. Ot tuk
> > nanatuk
> > ostava da sborish pppd.
> >
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