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to towa e po staro ot sweta
samo deto ne mi e qsno shto go wadqt pak w bugtraq ?!?

w ChangeLog.txt na slack current :

- ----------------------------
Thu Aug 24 16:12:55 PDT 2000
Merged package directories for the A and N series.
a1/bash.tgz, bash1.tgz:  Patched install script to ensure that a
   newly-created /etc/shells will be chmoded 644.
- ----------------------------
Thu Aug 24 14:14:00 PDT 2000
(* Branched new Slackware-current from Slackware 7.1 *)

neznam dali zabelqzwash no towa e pyrwoto neshto koeto e naprawil
Patrick Volkerding kato e pochnal current-a

On Sunday 24 June 2001 14:00, Marian Popov wrote:
> A vulnerability exists in Slackware Linux version 7.1.
> During the default installation of Slackware Linux, the /etc/shells file
> is
> installed with world-writable permissions. As a result, it may be possible
> for local users to modify this file and effectively cause a denial of
> service to users attempting to use applications which rely on the data
> contained in the file.
> No exploit is required.
> A workaround is to remove the world-writable permissions from
> the /etc/shells file:
> # chmod 644 /etc/shells
> This issue has been resolved in the base.tgz package in the Slackware-
> current tree as of August 24, 2000.
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     It's just that some people are too stupid to realize it.
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