On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 03:42:59PM +0200 Boris Jordanov wrote:
> man pppd mi kazva slednoto:
>  active-filter filter-expression
>       Specifies a packet filter to  be  applied  to  data  packets  to
>         determine which packets are to be regarded as link activity, and
>         therefore reset the idle timer, or cause the link to be  brought
>         up  in  demand-dialling mode...
>       This option is currently  only  available  under  NetBSD,  and
>       then only if both the kernel and pppd were compiled with 
>       PPP_FILTER defined.
> Bideiki NetBSD fen s udovolstvie bih podmenil Linux-a, no nachalstvoto iska 
> Linux.
> Vuprosa mi e - kak da 'emuliram' tozi feature pod Linux? Iskam edinstveno i 
> samo TCP paketi da activirat link-a.

Kakto pishe po-natatak v man-a:

The filter-expression syntax is as described for tcpdump(1), except that
qualifiers which are inappro- priate for a PPP link, such as ether and
arp, are not permitted.  Generally the filter expression should be
enclosed in single-quotes to prevent whitespace in the expression from
being interpreted by the shell.

t.e. neshto ot roda na

active-filter 'ip proto \tcp'


Damyan Ivanov                             Creditreform Bulgaria
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             http://www.creditreform.bg/
phone: +359 2 928 2611, 929 3993           fax: +359 2 920 0994
mobile: +359 88 566067                             ICQ: 3028500

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