Kkav e problema da si stenesh:
export DISPLAY=ip:0
xhost remote-host-ip

Tova ot RH manuala:

This command allows remote display forwarding. In this command, IP
should be replaced with the IP address of the system you want the
display to appear on.

On the system you want the display to appear on, you must execute the
command xhost +remotehostname, where remotehostname is the name of the
host you are running the original display from. Using the command xhost
+remotehostname limits access to the remote display terminal and does
not allow access from anyone or any system not specifically authorized
for remote access.

>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of raptor
>Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 1:33 PM
>Subject: Re: lug-bg: ssh and DISPLAY ?
>XForward si e razresheno, no kato se logna w remote mashinata, 
>DISPLAY ne e setnat waobshte..
>Problema e move bi zashtoto X servera e startiran pod drug account !!?
>Ima li nachin w takaw sluchai pak da si pusna programa prez "myaccount"
>local ---------ssh------> remote (userX has started X, not myaccount)
>#echo $DISPLAY
>(nt:17719): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On Wednesday 04 June 2003 11:05, raptor wrote:
>> > na seminara Georgi Chorbadviiski,
>> >
>> > zagatna za ssh i XForwarding.. ta waprosa mi e, kak po 
>princip trqbwa da se
>> > setne DISPLAY promenliwata taka che kato se logna w remote 
>mashinata da
>> > moga da startiram apps.. Kade se incializira tazi 
>> > /etc/X11/..?
>> Предното май не беше много удачен отговор, съжалявам.
>> man ssh
>> X11 and TCP forwarding
>>      If the ForwardX11 variable is set to “yes” (or, see the 
>description of
>>      the -X and -x options described later) and the user is 
>using X11 (the
>>      DISPLAY environment variable is set), the connection to 
>the X11 display
>>      is automatically forwarded to the remote side in such a 
>way that any X11
>>      programs started from the shell (or command) will go through the
>>      encrypted channel, and the connection to the real X 
>server will be made
>>      from the local machine.  The user should not manually 
>set DISPLAY.  For-
>>      warding of X11 connections can be configured on the 
>command line or in
>>      configuration files.
>>      The DISPLAY value set by ssh will point to the server 
>machine, but with a
>>      display number greater than zero.  This is normal, and 
>happens because
>>      ssh creates a “proxy” X server on the server machine 
>for forwarding the
>>      connections over the encrypted channel.
>>      ssh will also automatically set up Xauthority data on 
>the server machine.
>>      For this purpose, it will generate a random 
>authorization cookie, store
>>      it in Xauthority on the server, and verify that any 
>forwarded connections
>>      carry this cookie and replace it by the real cookie 
>when the connection
>>      is opened.  The real authentication cookie is never 
>sent to the server
>>      machine (and no cookies are sent in the plain).
>>      If the ForwardAgent variable is set to “yes” (or, see 
>the description of
>>      the -A and -a options described later) and the user is 
>using an authenti-
>>      cation agent, the connection to the agent is 
>automatically forwarded to
>>      the remote side.
>>      Forwarding of arbitrary TCP/IP connections over the 
>secure channel can be
>>      specified either on the command line or in a 
>configuration file.  One
>>      possible application of TCP/IP forwarding is a secure 
>connection to an
>>      electronic purse; another is going through firewalls.
>> Прегледай sshd.conf на машината от която искаш да пускаш 
>приложения и съответните ssh.conf на клиента за верните опции, 
>рефреш на демона ако промениш нещо и би трябвало да работи.
>> - -- 
>> Take care
>> Boris Jordanov (borj) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> ICQ 10751645
>> PGP-key-fingerprint:------------------------------
>> CB23 8B52 5FBC F36A 1B61  F1ED 2831 E52D AAFF 7B08
>> - --------------------------------------------------
>> Public-key:---------------------------------------
>> http://borj.freeshell.org/borj.asc
>> - --------------------------------------------------
>> To err is human...
>> to really foul up requires the root password.
>> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
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  • ... raptor
    • ... Борис Йорданов
    • ... Борис Йорданов
      • ... raptor
        • ... Peter Zyumbilev
          • ... Борис Йорданов
          • ... Romeo Ninov
            • ... Georgi Chorbadzhiyski

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