On Mon, 07 Jul 2003 13:39:32 +0300
Georgi Chorbadzhiyski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dorian Delorian wrote:
> > продължавай да сънуваш ...
> софтуера, който така усилено "търсиш" се намира само с две думи в google,
> отговорът е dhcp, "продължавай да търсиш"

Абе тук стана една ;-))))
Явно съм бил заблуден...че ICMP е достатъчно за да wake-up-не.....поне такива спомени 
доколкото в последствие видях...е необходим независимо какъв пакет (IP,IPX...) но с 
определен byte-seqience...:

WOL is based on the following principle: 

When the PC shuts down, the NIC still gets power, and keeps listening on the network 
for a 'magic' packet to arrive. This packet must contain a certain byte-sequence, but 
can be encapsulated in any kind of packet (IPX, IP, anything). Take a look at the code 
for the magic sequence. 

This program uses UDP for sending the packet. The complete UDP packet, sent over an 
ethernet interface, looks something like this: 

[ethernet header][IP header][UDP header][Magic sequence][CRCS] 

The only goal of the script is to send this packet over the network. It expects no 
returning data, since the NIC only listens, and does not reply anything. 

For a more detailed description of the protocol, see the AMD white paper.

Мисля, че тук ще ни/Ви се избистри всичко ;-)

Айде и леко с кошмарите ;-)

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Man is certainly stark mad: He cannot make a flea,
yet he makes gods by the dozens. - Montaigne

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