pyrwo mersi za pomoshta...
Naistina  w GEDIT ima wariant :") ma na koi da gleda...
Taka za wsichki koito polzwat gedit :
Edit\Preferences\Save da si naglasqt :

When saving existing file ... Use original encoding if possible
When saving new file ... Use current locale's encoding if possible

Oswen towa w  Edit\Preferences\Open da si dobawqt encoding-ite koito im sa nuvni..

taka a sega resheine za tezi koito sa opleskali nestata kato men i weche sa go 
zapisali faila wyw UTF8...

1. perl -MCPAN -e 'install Convert::Cyrillic'
2. perl -MCPAN -e 'install Lingua::DetectCharset'
3. pishete si tozi perl script :

use Convert::Cyrillic;
use Lingua::DetectCharset;
undef $/;
while (<>) {
    $cs = Lingua::DetectCharset::Detect $_;
    print Convert::Cyrillic::cstocs($cs,'win',$_);

4. izpalnqwate go ei taka :

./ filename.txt > newfilename.txt

zabelevki *** : 
 - faila w koito zapiswate trqbwa da e s drugo ime :") inache ste poluchite fail s 0 
bytes size
 - ako mahnete "undef $/" move dave wseki red da e razlichen encoding :") 

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