On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 16:46:05 +0300
Yasen Atanasov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

sorry che otgowarqm tolkowa kysno :") ne widqh waprosa :
eto go adresa :

komputyra ne e 24 chasa online...taka che gledai da go ulowish online :")
ili po tochno :

towa sa mnogo stari neshta ...

|raptor wrote:
|>On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 09:57:22 +0300
|>Yasen Atanasov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|>|     Mogebi ne sum se izrazil suvsem yaseno no ideyata e slednata: v erata na 
|>|DOS se zaneshe, che sled POST se chete bootsektora.Tam ima informaciya kude 
|>|sa sistemnite failove zaregdat tezi sistemni failove(*IO.SYS i *DOS.SYS) 
|>|sled koeto se tursi CONFIG.SYS zaregdat se fajlovete ukazani v nego, 
|>|zaregdase chast ot COMMAND.COM, tursise AUTOEXEC.BAT, ispulnyavat se 
|>|komandite zapisani v nego i se dozaregda COMMAND.COM. Iteresuva me dali 
|>|sushtestvuva nyakade podobno opisnanie za LInux.
|>Tyrsi w google.com - grub/lilo, initrd ..za towa kakwo stawa predi da zapochne init 
|>man inittab
|>man init
|>Inache eto kratko opisanie... (pisal sam go edno wreme sorry che e na angliiski, 
prosto cut&paste)
|> In the Unix world initial system initialization is handled by the "init", and the 
main configuration file is /etc/inittab, which describes so called 
"runlevels".Runlevels are software configurations of the system which allows only 
selected group of processes to exist i.e. system states. There is 6 runlevels.
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