On Sunday 09 November 2003 18:49, Peter Zyumbilev wrote:
> Znachi kato bios sam na posledna versia 29A.. Tia textove sa za potato -
> siguren sam che potat ste se instalne bex problem za razlika ot woody.

vazhnoto e kernel-a. boot floppies na potato e samo s 2.2, dokato woody po 
default e 2.2, no ima i 2.4 (bf2.4), sega ne pomnq to4nite versions, 
poseldnoto e 2.4.18 mislq. Sto ne installnesh potato i posle da upgrade do 
kydeto iskash, vkl. i kernel-a... kato sedne na hdd-to nqma nuzhda ot 

> Inache mashinat mi umira(pri debian) kogato kazv che ste loadva nesto v RAM
> diska..Az si mislih che stava vapros che prosto ste go zarejda v RAMA..

to4no v RAM-a se zarezhda edna taka da se kazhe fake root filesystem, sled 
koeto kato se loadnat neobhodimite modules ot tam se change-va kym istinska 
root filesystem.

Nisto ne kazvash kakvo to4no stava i kakvi syobsteniq izdava kernel-a.
Hajde ste hvyrlime bob za posledno, t.e da pogadaeme na slqpo ;-) za 
debisnkite rescue i root floppies, ste vzema da se dosetq 4e si vidql s F3 
available boot methods (i vyobste s F1-F10)... za RAM disk na boot: prompta 

boot: ramdisk0 <i drugi options ako ima>

Sled tova ste ti poiska root diska i kato mu go dadesh trqbva da kazhe:
RAMDISK: Compressed Image found ad block0
..... i t.n.

Kyde se dyni to4no pri tebe i kakvo izpluva kernel-a vyobste ne kazvash, s 
bf2.4 images li opitvash ili ne ? Proveri si RAM-a s memtest86 ako trqbva.

> Na redhat za upgarde na kerenela na 72. pishe..
> If you are using a SCSI controller, you need an initial RAM disk. The
> purpose of the initial RAM disk is to allow a modular kernel to have access
> to modules that it might need to boot from before the kernel has access to
> the device where the modules normally reside.
> The initial RAM disk is created by using the mkinitrd command. However, the
> Red Hat RPM package performs this step for you. To verify that it was
> created, use the command ls -l /boot. You should see the file
> initrd-2.4.7-3.img (the version should match the version of the kernel you
> just installed).

tova razbira se e to4no taka.

> Ineresno kakv im e probelma na distrota bash s toia RAM disk...

ti ste kazhesh ;-) az ste podhvana kym Bansko za nqkoi i drug den :P

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