On Wednesday 21 January 2004 16:19, raptor wrote:
> eto go PCRE ako ste s postfix :
> /^Content-(Disposition|Type):.*?name=".*?\.(ade|adp|bas|bat|chm|cmd|com|cpl
>)"/i REJECT This domain does not accept attachments which are executables.
> a tiq bi trqbwalo da destwat dori i da preimenuwash .exe-to s nesto
> drugo...
> /^TV[nopqr]....[AB]..A.A/i  REJECT (1)Email with EXE files attached denied
> /^M35[GHIJK].`..`..*````/i  REJECT (2)Email with EXE files attached denied
> A eto  wi i za SWEN worma (toq worm za dwa dena mi naprai 150MB poshta ):
> /^b3IAAABBZG1pbgAAAEdFVCBodHRwOi8vd3cyLmZjZS52dXRici5jei9iaW4vY291bnRlci5na
>WYv/i REJECT this mail was rejected 'cause it contains SWEN worm
    10xz, dosta pylna kolektziq :)))

  Doncho N. Gunchev

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