Niakoi da e imal podobni problemi s bind

Na momenti mi dawa slednoto :
bind9................error sending response: unexpected error
bind9................error sending response: unexpected error
bind9................error sending response: unexpected error
i v towa wreme se skapwa i-neta.

Sushto taka stranni neshta mi izlizata w log-a:
message has 1 byte(s) of trailing garbage
message has 1 byte(s) of trailing garbage
message has 1 byte(s) of trailing garbage
message has 1 byte(s) of trailing garbage
message has 6 byte(s) of trailing garbage

Ne moga da razbera zashto se poluchawa taka. Ako niakoi e imal sushtia problem shte se radwam da spodeli kak go e reshil.

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