   posiljam ti vsebino pisma iz lugos liste, tj. slovenskega drustva za 
   uporabo Linuxa.
   Ne samo IBM, tudi Compaq in se nekateri drugi proizvajalci so se ze 
   odlocili za namestitev Linuxa na svoje stroje namesto MS. 
   Cudi me le, da nisi zanj se slisala. Oracle 8 bo tekel tudi pod tem 
   operacijskim sistemom. Za Orakel server je v konkurenci tudi Linux, 
   ni pa nobeden OS od MS.
   Lp; Drago
   P.s.: Oglej si , ter .


SAN JOSE, March 2, 1999 .... At LinuxWorld today, IBM announced support for 
Linux**, the open-source operating system. The announcement, of planned key 
alliances, flagship products, and the industry's most comprehensive service 
offering, makes IBM the only company to provide complete solutions of 
hardware, software and technical support for Linux. The news includes:

o IBM will support major versions of Linux globally, giving customers a 

point of contact for all of their technical support needs;

o IBM will work with four commercial distributors of Linux -- Caldera 
Systems Inc.,

Pacific HiTech Inc., Red Hat Software Inc., and S.u.S.E. GmbH -- to pave the

for co-marketing, development, training and support initiatives that will

customers deploy Linux;

o Key IBM WebSphere* products will ship later this year, including two

application servers and a performance pack, enabling Linux customers

to exploit the Web to perform tasks ranging from simple Web publishing

to transactional processing;

o Delivery of the industry's first commercial, Java-based emulator

for Linux -- IBM Host On-Demand -- which provides secure access to

core enterprise systems from browsers in intranets or extranets;

o IBM will begin beta testing, in the second quarter, its On-Demand

Server for Linux, which protects information assets by managing access

of users, groups, and devices to e-business applications.

o IBM is working with the Linux community to port Linux to selected IBM

RS/6000* models that use the POWER microprocessor.

According to IDC Research, Linux is the fastest-growing server operating 
environment. In 1998, some 750,000 Linux servers were installed, reflecting 
a 212 percent growth rate and 17 percent of all new server placements.

"There are more than 10 million users running Linux software and many of our 
customers are asking for Linux solutions," said Steve Mills, general 
manager, IBM Software Solutions. "We want to give our business partners and 
customers peace of mind and confidence that if they want to use Linux, IBM 
will be there to support them, as we do with their other systems."

Today's announcement comes on the heels of other IBM news regarding Linux, 

-- Plans to make Red Hat*** Linux available for IBM server and client 
systems, such

as IBM Netfinity* servers, Intellistations*, and ThinkPads;*

-- Beta testing of a Linux version of IBM's award-winning DB2* Universal 

which will be generally available in the second quarter;

-- Plans for Lotus Domino* to support Linux. Domino, the leading 
messaging and

collaboration server, and WebSphere represent the industry's most complete

range of Web application server environments;

-- Delivery of IBM's enterprise file system, AFS*, on Linux;
-- As part of Project Monterey -- an IBM-led initiative -- UnixWare***7 
was recently

updated to be able to run Linux applications.

IBM provides the widest range of hardware and software solutions for all 
types of computing platforms. Linux users can draw on IBM's extensive 
experience, skills and resources to address their technical needs, including 
support for the operating system. Depending on customer needs, IBM will 
offer 24-hour-a-day voice support, ranging from answering usage questions to 
in-depth problem determination. Support will be worldwide, with first 
availability in the U.S. in the second quarter, and in other geographies 
later in the year.

IBM will collaborate with leading commercial Linux distributors to optimize 
the performance of IBM offerings running on various Linux versions, enabling 
customers to exploit the full potential of Linux. Planned cooperation 
includes porting IBM products to Linux; education and training; and selected 
product development and marketing projects. In addition, IBM will supplement 
its technical support for various Linux packages with help from 
distributors, when needed.

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