
Imam problem z povezavo na Arnes(300370). Problem se pojavi,ko se zelim 
vzpostavit povezavo preko minicom-a. Uredil sem datoteke options, 
resolv.conf in host.conf. Z minicom-om se
povezem ter vnesem uporabnisko ime in geslo, nato pritisnem
CTRL A Q(brez da resetiram modem), potem vtipkam pppd.
Zacnejo se mi izpisovati smeti, ki se nekaj casa ponavljajo,
nato se povezava prekine. Uporabljam red hat 5.0 z pripadajocim
kernelom. Spodaj so izpisi datotek. Vse datoteke so naravnane 
na -rw-r--r--.

### /var/log/messages ###
Jan 26 19:13:15 localhost kernel: sysctl: ip forwarding off
Jan 26 19:13:15 localhost kernel: Swansea University Computer Society 
IPX 0.34 for NET3.035
Jan 26 19:13:15 localhost kernel: IPX Portions Copyright (c) 1995 
Caldera, Inc.
Jan 26 19:13:15 localhost kernel: Appletalk 0.17 for Linux NET3.035
Jan 26 19:13:18 localhost PAM_pwdb[221]: (su) session opened for user 
postgres by (uid=100)
Jan 26 19:13:19 localhost PAM_pwdb[221]: (su) session closed for user 
Jan 26 19:14:43 localhost PAM_pwdb[244]: (login) session opened for user 
root by (uid=0)
Jan 26 19:14:43 localhost PAM_pwdb[244]: ROOT LOGIN ON tty1
Jan 26 19:15:32 localhost PAM_pwdb[245]: (login) session opened for user 
root by (uid=0)
Jan 26 19:15:32 localhost PAM_pwdb[245]: ROOT LOGIN ON tty2
Jan 26 19:16:48 localhost kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of 
the University of California
Jan 26 19:16:48 localhost kernel: PPP: version 2.2.0 (dynamic channel 
Jan 26 19:16:48 localhost kernel: PPP Dynamic channel allocation code 
copyright 1995 Caldera, Inc.
Jan 26 19:16:48 localhost kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
Jan 26 19:16:48 localhost kernel: registered device ppp0
Jan 26 19:16:48 localhost pppd[293]: pppd 2.2.0 started by root, uid 0
Jan 26 19:16:48 localhost pppd[293]: Using interface ppp0
Jan 26 19:16:48 localhost pppd[293]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/tty2
Jan 26 19:17:18 localhost pppd[293]: LCP: timeout sending 
Jan 26 19:17:18 localhost pppd[293]: Connection terminated.
Jan 26 19:17:18 localhost pppd[293]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit 
Jan 26 19:17:18 localhost pppd[293]: Problem: nothing was received
Jan 26 19:17:18 localhost pppd[293]: Exit.

### /etc/ppp/options ###
asyncmap 0
mtu 552
mru 552

### /etc/resolv.conf ###
domain arnes.si

### /etc/host.conf ###
order hosts,bind
multi on

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