ASP currently is a Microsoft IIS-only product, but ChiliSoft has developed a
product called Chili!ASP, an ASP equivalent that extends the features of ASP
to other Web-server software. Currently, Chili!ASP is available for
Netscape's FastTrack and Enterprise Web servers, O'Reilly's WebSite, Lotus
GO, and IBM's ICS. In addition, O'Reilly's WebSite now supports ASP
natively. Despite this broader range of Web-server software that now can be
ASP-enabled, there still is no UNIX ASP equivalent. ChiliSoft is working on
a Solaris version of Chili!ASP that will run under Netscape's Enterprise Web
Server and Apache.

 za najnovejse info na
 obljubljajo, da bodo nekje v prihodnosti poleg Solarisa podprli tudi BSD-je
in linux....

                                            lpp,Ernest - The one, who is
thought to be an upgraded Marine
Name: Ernest Zejn ¦ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ¦ WWW:
Tel:   +386 41 706-549 ¦ Tel2: +386 64 862-311 ¦ Fax:  +386 64 864-337

-----Original Message-----
From: Iztok Polanic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Lugos List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 24. januar 1999 10:14
Subject: [ LUGOS ] Activer Server Pages

>Hy !!!
>Mogoce kdo ve ali Apache oz. katerikoli drugi http server za linux
>podpira ASP? Ce ne, bi bilo to sploh izvedljivo? S tem mislim, ali je ASP
>Open Document, tako da lahko vidis katere funkcije vse podpira?
> Pozdrav.
>                                          //////
>      xxxxxx                             ( o o )
>      xx  xx           /------------oOO-----O-----OOo------------\
>      xx  xx           |           From: Iztok Polanic           |
>       xxxx            |  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
>      xx  xx           |      WWW:      |
>     xx    xx          |         |
>    xx      xx         \-----------------------------------------/

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