> Tisto je QNX in kar je QNX LinuX nikoli ne bo, ker ni namenjen takim
> Za realtime procese se uporabljajo realtime OSi, kar LinuX ni.
> QNX=40K DEM, Linux=0 DEM

Just a little correction of some terms

QNX = 10K USD ( for now )
and in close future : QNX = amiga

read all about it at www.amiga.com

so all you amiga fans out there ( if there are such) you will soon be able
to buy a brand new amiga, with 4mb RAM, 600MB HD, and on top of that QNX,
which is for now about the fastest Real Time OS for intel platform ( and the
price will be a lot less than 10K USD)

ps, forgive me for writing in english, but i prefere it that way ......

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