
> >X11R6 imajo modul za uporabo joystivka prek gameporta.
> >Uporabi to.

In s tem lahko joystick uporabim kot mis?

> On nuca hardverski adapter iz joystika na com/PS2 port, ne sw ;-)

HW je bolje od SW :-) Ker ce se ze grem igrat iz samega firbca,
potem bi rad probal isto zadevscino tudi pod NT in Solarisom.

A kdo ve za kaksen URL s specifikacijami za gameport in serijca,
da vem, kako jih zlotat skupaj? Je kdo ze pocel kaj podobno

Hvala, Jernej

'The  major difference  between a thing that might go wrong and a
 thing that  cannot possibly  go wrong is that  when a thing that
 cannot  possibly go wrong  goes wrong it usually turns out to be
 impossible to get at or repair.'
                            ---Douglas Adams in 'Mostly Harmless'

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