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Send reply to:          "Ben Chen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:                   "Ben Chen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Re: Asus TA-200 PCI Isdn card and Linux
Date sent:              Mon, 12 Jul 1999 10:03:42 +0800

Dear Sir,

The Linux ISDN PCI card freeware writer, Mr. Karsten said this 
driver will
be ready in this month in discussion group. We will check it and put 
it in
our web if available. Thanks for your suggestion and inquiry.

Sincerely Yours,
Ben Chen
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sales contacts)
       [EMAIL PROTECTED] (technical contacts)
       [EMAIL PROTECTED] (general information contacts)

- - -
I never argue with fools. People might not know the difference.

> all the standard disclaimers apply <
Line noise provided by Telekom Slovenia - a remarkable bunch of idiots.

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