> BTW: uspelo mi je ! novi isdn4utils (ftp://ftp.suse.com !!!)
> in 2.2.10 (na RH 5.2).

tcpdump -ati ippp0 izpisuje:

truncated-ip - 1201 bytes missing! > (frag 0:1280@8192) [t
tl 0]
truncated-ip - 111 bytes missing! > (frag 51730:188@15064+
) [tos 0x4]
truncated-ip - 175 bytes missing! > (frag 4533:234@11784)
[tos 0x40]

In kaj naj to pomeni ?

- - -
Love comes and goes, lasagna is forever.

> all the standard disclaimers apply <
Line noise provided by Telekom Slovenia - a remarkable bunch of idiots.

Одговори путем е-поште