Boštjan Muller [NEONATUS] wrote:

> * On 17-08-99 at 12:05 Gasper Furman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> +----Here quoted text begins----+
> > --
> > hdc: timeout waiting for DMA
> > hdc: irq timeout: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }
> > hdc: DMA disabled
> > Aug 13 20:22:46 fox kernel: hdc: timeout waiting for DMA
> > Aug 13 20:22:46 fox kernel: hdc: irq timeout: status=0x58 { DriveReady
> > SeekComplete DataRequest }
> > Aug 13 20:22:46 fox kernel: hdc: DMA disabled
> > ide1: reset: success
> > Aug 13 20:22:46 fox kernel: ide1: reset: success
> Tole mene spominja na standby mode od hdparm - poglej če imaš kje v init
> skriptah hdparm v standby mode-u naštiman (hdparm -S xxx)
> Boštjan
> +----and here the quote ends----+
> --
>  Boštjan Müller [NEONATUS], [EMAIL PROTECTED],
>       ICQ #:7506644, For my PGP key finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>            RSA id: 0x90178DBD, Powered by S.u.S.E. Linux 6.0.
>          Don't hate yourself in the morning -- sleep till noon.

ti jaz nekej povem mi je isto jvljalo s seagatom medialist 6531 nakar sem
disk zamenjal z enakim in od takrat teh tezav ni vec. nisem ne spreminjal
nikakrsnih nastavitev ne nic drugega. no ofense moj predlog je menjaj
aja btw windowsi niso nikol zaznal nobenga errorja, sucks huh


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