Nic ne prisluskuje. Firewall redirecta port, v tem primeru 80 na drugo

IP Port Forwarding

This package contains a tool to forward connections to hosts on your
private network. Private networks are usually masqueraded and cannot be
reached from the Internet. IP Port Forwarding makes it possible to
make individual ports on the private networks reachable from the

IP Port Forwarding does address rewriting for that purpose and is much
faster and cleaner than any redirection program I have seen.

You need to have either a kernel version 2.1.80 <= x <= 2.1.90 or apply
the supplied patch for 2.0.3[2345]. For kernels >= 2.1.90, please see
the ipmasqadm package.

ipportfw 1.11-6 je package na Debianu.


Igor wrote:

> lp,
> imam dve masini,
> ena je firewall
> na drugi je pa apache
> ali lahko apache z druge masine prisluskuje
> na port od firewalla,
> in ce to ni mozno, kako naredim redirekcijo
> na apache na drugi masini
>     Igor

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