On Wed, Jun 21, 2000 at 10:15:33AM +0200, Primož Hrvatin wrote:

> A je mozno s kakim  ukazom videt, ali je bil proces z dolocenim imenom
> aktiven v nekem dolocenem casu, oziroma na dolocen datum?

/usr/src/linux/make *config


If you say Y here, a user level program will be able to instruct the
kernel (via a special system call) to write process accounting
information to a file: whenever a process exits, information about
that process will be appended to the file by the kernel. The
information includes things such as creation time, owning user,
command name, memory usage, controlling terminal etc. (the complete
list is in the struct acct in include/linux/acct.h). It is up to the
user level program to do useful things with this information. 

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