Tole sicer ne sodi vec na lugos-list, je ze skoraj za lugos-bla, vendar sem prej
razpravljal o tem. Tukaj je gospodov odgovor.

Kaj naj recem, 99% slovenskih ISPjev ima vec pojma kot tile tukaj. Me ima, da bi
vse skupaj pocil na kaksno usenet grupo skupaj z naslovom njihovega SMTP
serverja, da bodo spammerji uzivali vsak kaksen dan.

Sploh ne vem, kaj naj bi tipu odgovoril, ker ocitno misli, da "obvlada" stvar.


----- Forwarded message from Kenneth Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 12:44:32 -0400
From: Kenneth Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: domain email
To: 'Iztok Umek' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

OK, one more time....

1.  The mail SHOULD be handled by the same people doing the web hosting.  It
can be done differently.

2.  IF the MX record were to be pointed to a dialup ISP not directly
involved with the site hosting, THEN you could use it for SMTP purposes (as
in sending outgoing mail using your dialup isp).  However, this would also
affect your INCOMING mail since the MX record addresses that as well.

3.  IF the incoming mail is being handled by someone OTHER THAN your dialup
isp, the only way to send outgoing mail through your dialup isp's mail
server aliased to that domain is if that isp allows mail relay.  WE DON'T.

4.  In regards to your statement about accessing mail using another other
isp's dialup: you are absolutely correct.  As long as you have an active
internet connection, and have the correct incoming and outgoing mail server
addresses as in your example, you can indeed access mail.  That is not
particularly relevant to what you are wanting to do,  Ijust wanted to point
out that the mail does indeed work exactly that way.  This is a very basic
concept of email access, and everyone even remotely connected with the
technical aspects of running the servers here know that. Further, any
tehcnical support person qualified enough to get hired here knows that.  The
fact that you don't, while regrettable, says a bit about your expertise.
The fact that you would continue to argue after you have been told that we
don't provide the service you are asking for (and being insulting in the
process), says even more.

This is my final letter to you on the matter.  Seek your services somewhere
else.  Try xtremeonline at 828-267-6855 .

-----Original Message-----
From: Iztok Umek [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2000 11:36 AM
To: Kenneth Pearson
Subject: RE: domain

Quoting Kenneth Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Mail (incoming and outgoing) should be handled by the same entity.  If
> you
> needed mail relaying, you would need to contact a company that would
> allow
> it even though the MX record pointed to someone else.  We don't.

You actually saying that if i would have simple dial-in acount with
and therefore your e-mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED] I could use your
server and SMTP server from wherever I would be? even I would dial-in in
to one of European ISPs. As long as I would have you as incoming/outgoing
entity and use e-mail address?

That tells a lot about your expertise.


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----- End forwarded message -----

Smart Information Consulting

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OK, one more time....

1.  The mail SHOULD be handled by the same people doing the web hosting.  It can be done differently.

2.  IF the MX record were to be pointed to a dialup ISP not directly involved with the site hosting, THEN you could use it for SMTP purposes (as in sending outgoing mail using your dialup isp).  However, this would also affect your INCOMING mail since the MX record addresses that as well.

3.  IF the incoming mail is being handled by someone OTHER THAN your dialup isp, the only way to send outgoing mail through your dialup isp's mail server aliased to that domain is if that isp allows mail relay.  WE DON'T.

4.  In regards to your statement about accessing mail using another other isp's dialup: you are absolutely correct.  As long as you have an active internet connection, and have the correct incoming and outgoing mail server addresses as in your example, you can indeed access mail.  That is not particularly relevant to what you are wanting to do,  Ijust wanted to point out that the mail does indeed work exactly that way.  This is a very basic concept of email access, and everyone even remotely connected with the technical aspects of running the servers here know that. Further, any tehcnical support person qualified enough to get hired here knows that.  The fact that you don't, while regrettable, says a bit about your expertise.  The fact that you would continue to argue after you have been told that we don't provide the service you are asking for (and being insulting in the process), says even more.

This is my final letter to you on the matter.  Seek your services somewhere else.  Try xtremeonline at 828-267-6855 .

-----Original Message-----
From: Iztok Umek [
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2000 11:36 AM
To: Kenneth Pearson
Subject: RE: domain

Quoting Kenneth Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Mail (incoming and outgoing) should be handled by the same entity.  If
> you
> needed mail relaying, you would need to contact a company that would
> allow
> it even though the MX record pointed to someone else.  We don't.

You actually saying that if i would have simple dial-in acount with
and therefore your e-mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED] I could use your IMAP/POP
server and SMTP server from wherever I would be? even I would dial-in in Europe
to one of European ISPs. As long as I would have you as incoming/outgoing mail
entity and use e-mail address?

That tells a lot about your expertise.


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