Komentar najbrz ni potreben... * Network Operating System Growth Projections International Data Corp recently released some growth projections I'm sure you are going to be interested in. The graph I got did not have any numbers in it, so this is an approximation but the trends are very clear. (numbers in millions) Combined W2K/NT Server: 2000: 6M 2002: 9M 2004: 14M Linux, Multiuser 2000: 3M 2002: 6M 2004: 9M Unix, Multiuser 2000: 2.8M 2002: 3M 2004: 3.5M Novell Netware, all versions: 2000: 3.7M 2002: 3M 2004: 2.8M Novell just had an awful quarter and rumors are flying that they will fire about 27% of their staff (some 1,400 people) shortly. The problem is that they actively killed the Netware cashcow but did not have anything ready to replace those revenues. ------------------- http://www.email.si