On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 08:16:21AM +0100, Damir Horvat wrote:
> Zivjo!
> Zanima me, kako bi iz shell skripte izvrsil par ukazov v smbclient 
> programu.
> Rad bi nekaj podobnega:
> #!/bin/bash
> smbclient //diogen/test ""
> put local_falj remote_fajl
> put local_falj1 remote_fajl1
> ...
> tezava je, da se takole pozene le smbclient, ukaz put pa ne. 

man smbclient:

       -c command string
              command  string  is  a  semicolon separated list of
              commands to be executed instead of  prompting  from
              stdin.  -N is implied by -c.

              This  is  particularly  useful  in  scripts and for
              printing stdin to the server, e.g. -c 'print -'.

Ostanek problema je prepuscen bralcu za vajo.

Jure Koren                      |                       unix administrator
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |             gnu/Linux software developer

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