
Casopisno podjetje Delu odpisuje rabljeno racunalnisko opremo. Kontaktna
oseba je Jože Živič, ki jo  prodaja. Cene so:

Next /tipkovnica/mis/čb monitor/32Mb/2GB               5.000 SIT
Sun Sparc 4/tipkovnica/mis/brez monitorja/32Mb/2GB    10.000 SIT
PC Intel 486 GX, overdrive/brez monitorja/16Mb/2GB     5.000 SIT

Ni garancij, ni menjav. Cena ne vsebuje DDV. Tem cenam je zato treba
pristeti se 19%. 
Nakup je mozen vsako dopoldne po predhodni najavi na (01) 4737 801.

Kot kaze, se da suna kot konzolo opremiti z Linuxom, glejte
http://www.ultralinux.org/faq.html. V pripetem dokumentu sem zbral se nekaj
osnovnih podatkov in uporabnih zacetnih namigov. 

Z NeXTom, ki so ga nehali izdeovati 1994, je tezje. Ce iscete po internetu,
vam bo morda koristilo zargonsko ime zanj, slab. Kaksno je stanje s prenosom
Linuxa nanj, je videti iz pripetega dokumenta, kot kaze, pa projekt ni prav
ziv. Deluje pa pod NetBSD. Mimogrede, NeXT je koristen, ker so v njem 30 ali
72 iglicni SIMM, in sicer 1, 2 ali 4 MB, ki so zdruzljivi s PC. Ima tudi 2
GB IDE disk. 

Tisti, ki boste na sune ali nexte namescali Linux, se javite, da si bomo
lahko pomagali. Ce je komu portanje ze uspelo, pa se priporocam za namige. 

Nekaj teh racunalnikov je zaradi Lugosovih uspehov pri lokalizaciji Linuxa
Delo poklonilo Lugosu. Tisti, ki lahko pokazete na preteklo delo pri
lokalizaciji Linuxa, smete zaprositi za kaksnega od opisanih racunalnikov.
Svoje prosnje posljite na [EMAIL PROTECTED] z oznako "Rabljena oprema". Na
kratko opisite svoje dosezke pri lokalizaciji in oznacite, kaksna oprema vas
zanima. Oprema bo ostala last Lugosa, dobili pa jo boste v 'trajno' uporabo.

Opomba: ozivljanje opreme morda ne bo preprosto, a vsi upamo na pomoc
bralcev teh dopisnih seznamov.

Lep pozdrav,

(std. disclaimer applies)

NeXTstation (a.k.a. "the slab"). while the slabs were produced later and came with 
68040's only. 68040-based models came in 25MHz and 33MHz (Turbo) editions.The basic 
NeXTs came with 4-grayscale video (black, white and two shades of gray). Color NeXTs 
are capable of 12-bit color, or 4096-color video output (16 levels of red, green and 

NeXTs ran the NeXTstep operating system; however, current versions of that OS (now 
called OpenStep) no longer support the original ("black") m68k-based hardware; this 
has made a Linux port to the NeXT particularly attractive. More information can be 
found at the Li/NeXT web site, http://www.black.linux-m68k.org/.

There is an ongoing movement to port Linux/m68k to the NeXT hardware. Currently the 
booter is being worked on. Progress is difficult because the lack of documentation 
available for this platform. Apple is dropping 680x0 support in future OS releases and 
current technical support does not make this effort easier.

Svez RH 5.2 


Black Linux

Pozabljeni projekt:



Zastarani projekt: 




Red Hat
Although Red Hat Software does not officially support Linux/m68k, Jes Degn Sørensen 
has made an unofficial port of the Red Hat distribution (version 5.1); you can 
download the packages from Sunsite Denmark. [Denmark]
At least five vendors are distributing the unofficial Red Hat port: Holger Lubitz's 
linuxservice.de [Germany], Schatztruhe [Germany], Software Hut (reselling 
Schatztruhe's CD-ROM), Chris Lawrence and Red Hat Software.

Ron Flory has written an installation guide for the port.



> Sparc Station 4:
> 32 mb ram,
> segate 2 gb SCA harddisk,
> On-board 10 mb lan card,
> Display card (13w3), serial port, printer port, keyboard & mouse.
> Per-installed solaris 2.6.
> Keyboard and Mouse
> Have the Copy version Solaris 2.6, 2.7.. and Linux 6.2 for sparc
> and more.. .. ...
> Remark:
> Monitor & 13W3 to VGA convertor are "Not" include.


Sun4m architecture: 

SPARCstation 4 


2. Red Hat Linux

Red Hat, Inc. has been releasing versions of it's distribution for SPARC since 1996 
and was the first company to have a SPARC version. The latest version of Red Hat Linux 
for SPARC is 6.2 (Zoot). 

Red Hat has so far released the following versions for SPARC: 

Red Hat 3.0.4 (beta for 4.0) (Rembrandt) 
Red Hat 4.0 (Colgate) 
Red Hat 4.1 (Vanderbilt) 
Red Hat 4.2 (Biltmore) 
Red Hat 5.1 (Manhattan) 
Red Hat 5.2 (Apollo) 
Red Hat 6.1 (Cartman) 
Red Hat 6.2 (Zoot) 
As you can see, there is a sort of "tradition" in not releasing x.0 versions for 
For information on purchasing the Red Hat SPARC Distribution visit 

You can also download version 6.2 via anonymous FTP from 
ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/redhat-6.2/sparc/, and as ISO CD image at 
A list of mirror sites can be found at http://www.redhat.com/mirrors.html. 

Various errata and fixes for the Red Hat Linux distribution are listed at 


16. What do I need to do to get X11r6 running ?

You need the following: 

o An X11r6 'tree' mounted under /usr/local. I use the tree from SunOS and mount it 

   # mount -t nfs /usr/local

o Create the devices that X11 needs 
   # mknod /dev/kbd c 11 0
   # mknod /dev/sunmouse c 10 6
   # mknod /dev/fb0 c 29 0

o Create a symbolic link from /dev/sunmouse to /dev/mouse. o Create links from your 
graphics card (you only need the relevant one, but having all doesn't hurt. 
   # ln -s /dev/fb0 /dev/cgsix0
   # ln -s /dev/fb0 /dev/bwtwo0
   # ln -s /dev/fb0 /dev/cgthree0

o Start the X server (-ac turns off access control) 
   $ Xsun -ac


1. What is a boot prompt, and how can I get to it ?
Sun *SPARC based machines have a OpenBoot PROM which takes control of the computer 
when you turn it on. This is sort of similar to the BIOS in a PC computer, except that 
the Sun boot PROMs have a built in Forth interpreter which lets you do quite a number 
of things with the computer without/before booting an operating system, such as 
listening to the network, looking at the scsi bus, testing memory, setting the default 
boot device and setting other parameters. 

In order to get to the OpenBoot PROM command line (we'll call it the boot prompt (ok) 
from here), you need to hold down the Stop key (or L1 key on older type 4 keyboards) 
and simultaneously press the A key. This will bring you to the prompt (usually ok but 
see the next question). If there is an operating system running on the system, will 
this be suspended if you use this key combination. To resume where you were type go . 

Normally you would hold Stop-A while the machine is checking it's memory before boot 
time, or by typing halt from the SILO boot prompt if SILO is already installed. 
If you want to see or change a number of settings, you can also use the program eeprom 
from a running system. It is included with Solaris, but Jakub Jelinek has also made a 
Linux version of it, included in his prtconf package. This package can be obtained 
from the Red Hat distribution source, or alternatively from 

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