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Imamo server, ki ima 4 GB memorije in ugotovili smo, da Oracle po
default-u ne izkorišča vse memorije, ki mu je na voljo. Po navodilih v
priponki smo poizkušali ponovno prevesti Oracle v upanju, da bo
izkoriščal več, pa smo prišli le do približno 2GB. Zanima nas, če ima
kdo kakšne izkušnje s tem oz. kako rešiti problem?
Na Oracle-ovem supportu so nam svetovali, da uporabimo različico
RedHat-a, ki je podprta in preverjena s strani Oracle-a, vendar bi se
temu radi izognili.

P.S.: Kernel je preveden z podporo za več memorije in jo tudi brez
problemov prepozna.

- -- Že vnaprej hvala in lep pozdrav,


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Doc ID: Note:115753.1
Subject: UNIX: Resolving the ORA-27123 error
Content Type: TEXT/PLAIN
Creation Date: 23-JUL-2000
Last Revision Date: 09-JUL-2004
Problem Description 


You are trying to start your database and are getting one of the following


ORA-27123: Unable to attach a shared memory segment

Error: ORA-27123

Text: unable to attach to shared memory segment

Cause: shmat() call failed

Action: check permissions on segment, contact Oracle support

This error may be accompanied by one of the following:

A) SVR4 error 12: not enough space

B) SVR4 error 22: Invalid argument (you are trying to increase SGA and

SHMMAX is large enough)

C) SVR4 error 22: Invalid argument

D) SVR4 error 22: Invalid argument

E) UNIX error 13 (Permission Denied)

F) SVR4 error 24 - too many open files.

Solution Description


A) You are receiving the above error messages because the SGA size for

the current instance is too large to fit into the available physical

memory segments.

Raise SHMMAX in /etc/system or Lower SHARED_POOL_SIZE and/or

DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS accordingly

You need to reduce the SGA to a resonable size, so that it can be

allocated during the startup process.

Approximating size of the SGA



To approximate size of the SGA (Shared Global Area), use following formula:

((db_block_buffers * block size) +

(shared_pool_size + large_pool_size + log_buffers) + 1MB


To approximate size of the SGA (Shared Global Area), use following formula:

((db_block_buffers * block size) +

(shared_pool_size + large_pool_size + java_pool_size + log_buffers) + 1MB

For Example:


DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS = 200000 # 1600 MB

DB_BLOCK_SIZE = 8192 #8K

LOG_BUFFER = 65536 # 64K

Total SGA size becomes about 1800 MB for this instance.

*NOTE: If you have other instances running on the same server,

you need to calculate SGA size requirements for the other

instances also.

Modify DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS from 200000 to approximately 5000 (40 MB)

in the init<SID>.ora file and restart the database.

SVRMGR> shutdown immediate

SVRMGR> startup

Statement processed.

B) You are trying to increase the size of the SGA for your database.

You have adequate memory, and your SHMMAX is large enough to accomodate

the new SGA. If you are on Sun, you have already tried adjusting

sgabeg, as per [NOTE:61896.1]. Despite checking all these possibilities,

you still get an ORA-27123 and a UNIX error 22.


SVRMGR> connect internal

SVRMGR> startup

ORA-27123 "unable to attach to shared memory segment"

SVR4 ERROR 22 Invalid argument

C) You are on a sun4c machine trying to startup the database. You receive

the following errors:

ORA-27123: unable to attach to shared memory segment

SVR4 Error: 22: Invalid argument

The value of the kernel parameter "shmmax" is at least 10% bigger than

the estimated size of the SGA of for database. You lower the

"sgabeg" address as instructed in [NOTE:1028623.6], relink Oracle and still

receive the same error when you attempt to startup the database.

Set "sgabeg" to a value within the address space of your physical RAM.

Note that valid values start at 0x000000, and that the system requires 32M

to boot up.

For example:

- If you have 64M of RAM, then you have a physical address space from

0x000000 to 0x4000000 (64M in hexadecimal).

- Set sgabeg address to 0x3000000 using the method shown in [NOTE:1028623.6].

This will attach the SGA leaving 48M for the system.

*NOTE: sgabeg = 0x10000000 for sun4c machines does not work because this is

still too high of an address if machine has more than 256Mb of RAM.

D) You are running a batch job as root and receive the following error (running

as an oracle user does not fail)

ORA-01034: ORACLE not available

ORA-27123: unable to attach to shared memory segment

SVR4 Error: 22: Invalid argument

Additional information: 1

Additional information: 6203

You need to set ulimit stack to 8192

E) You have installed Oracle8 on UNIX and are attempting to create a database

manually or with the installer. You are receiving the following error:


SVRMGR>connect internal

SVRMGR>startup nomount.

ORA-27123: "unable to attach to shared memory segment"

Cause: shmat() call failed

Action: check permissions on segment, contact Oracle support

UNIX error 13 (Permission Denied)

You need to change the "umask" to the required 022, set the permissions on

all relevant directories and also set the correct permissions for the oracle

executable per se. See the Platform Specific Installation Guide

Table 4-1 Access Permissions on Oracle Directories and Files


# umask 022


# chmod 755 (on all sub-dirs)

# cd $ORACLE_BASE/admin/(SID NAME)

# chmod 755 (on all sub-dirs)

# cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin

# chmod 6751 oracle

F) You are trying to create a new database, and when you begin by typing

% svrmgrl

SVRMGR> startup nomount pfile=<initfile>

You get:

ORA-27123, 00000, "unable to attach to shared memory segment"

// *Cause: shmat() call failed

// *Action: check permissions on segment, contact Oracle support

svr4 error 24 - too many open files.

Check your nofiles(descriptors) limit by typing:

% ulimit -a

It may be set to the default 64. You will want to increase this to

allow oracle to open the files it needs to create your database.



A) When you reduce the size of the SGA, Oracle can now allocate this

space in the physical memory segment. The database will now start

up without any error.

B) Stack size, as shown by the 'ulimit -a' C-shell command,

my be set to low. This limit should be set to at least 8192K bytes.

C) You do not have much physical memory on your system. None of the

recommended values for "sgabeg" work because these values are still higher

than the amount of physical memory that is on your system.

D) Because root was starting the jobs, the stack size of unlimited was

inherited from root. Changing to 8192 allowed the jobs to run.

E) You have installed the software with an incorrect umask setting for the

oracle user or the permissions were changed after the install was complete.

When the database starts up, oracle needs write permission to certain

directories. Incorrect permissions on the oracle software will cause

the noted failure during database startup.

F) Increasing this parameter allows your shell to open the number of files it

needs in order to complete the operation. 64 is not a large enough number

to accomplish some tasks with Oracle, and increasing it will not pose an

undue burden on the system.



[NOTE:69119.1] "SGA Sizing Issues on HP-UX"




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